How Can I Fix Myself?
I’ve been thinking an awful lot lately about how easy it can become to let my thoughts run away with me, especially when it comes to healing.
Am I doing it right? Am I doing everything I can to be healthy in my body, mind, and spirit? Am I exercising enough? Journaling enough? Eating enough vegetables? Resting enough? Playing enough? Having good boundaries? Are my boundaries too permeable? Too rigid? Am I a pushover? A jerk? Am I a good enough homeopath, artist, daughter, partner, sister, friend? Should I drink less coffee? Watch less TV? Go for more walks?
The list is endless…
The persistent need to fix ourselves is a real human urge isn’t it?…
Untangling Knots
Today, as I was getting ready for my day, I was thinking about something I say often when a client asks me “how long is this going to take to heal?” My question is often, “how long have you been affected by this?”
It’s kind of like leaving a necklace in your purse and finding it months later. The longer the necklace has been in that pocket, or has been traveling around the bottom with the bobby pins and crumpled receipts, usually, the more tangled the chain becomes. Healing deep patterns or wounds can be a lot like untangling that knot…
Support through Seasons
Ahhh, August. The time of year when change is in the air. The mornings seem a bit cooler than they were a month ago, the days a little shorter as we make our way to the autumnal equinox. As most of us wrap up our summer routines, we have our minds on a shift in our daily schedule. For many, kids are going back to school, you might even be sending your young-adult daughters and sons off to college, maybe you’re squeezing your last warm vacation in before the end of the season…
Why Do I Have to Feel it to Heal it?
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about what drives people to turn to holistic medicine. The majority of individuals I see in my practice have arrived at their homeopathic intake with this being sort of their last resort. They’ve tried everything, they feel like the symptoms they’re experiencing have been with them forever. They’ve tried medication to manage the symptoms but when they go off, the symptoms get worse, or the side-effects have become worse than the condition itself. They feel like they’re managing the suffering, but it’s not really going away.
At the core of it, there’s inner feeling that maybe these symptoms are more than just something that cropped up one day and won’t go away. It’s as if there is a sense that the condition or the symptom is connected to something deeper…
The Pause Button: Acute Illness and the Messages they Bring
I recently got sick. Really sick. Like high fever, congested head, sore throat, so tired and achey I couldn’t get up the stairs sick. It hit me hard and fast — one day I was celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and the next I was on the couch, in tears because my body hurt so bad. There was no working, no rallying, no pushing through, my body was sending me a strong message — “stop.”
The Power of Releasing the Untruth
Each season, I’ve made a habit of tuning in to the lessons it has for me. So in the spirit of autumn, as I watch the late October winds untether the leaves from their branches, I’ve been meditating on what I can afford to release from my life. In the cycle of life, death is just as necessary and just as beautiful as birth. We cannot have new beginnings without the release of that which no longer serves us.
Individualized Care for the Individual You
Have you noticed all of the ads for personalized skin care, personalized vitamins, even personalized shampoo and conditioner? I feel like I’m seeing them everywhere lately! All you have to do is take a quiz and an algorithm calculates exactly what you need. It’s as if we’re becoming more conscious to the idea that as humans we are individual beings, each of us having our own experiences and our own needs. Did you know that this concept of the individual human experience actually relates directly to homeopathy?
The Invitation: How Do I Know if I’m Ready for Homeopathy?
So, you’ve heard about Homeopathy. You know it’s natural, that it’s non-toxic, that it doesn’t require a lifestyle or diet change. You may even know that it addresses symptoms from the root, that it’s deep, and that it strengthens our overall vitality.
But how do you actually know that it’s for you? How do you know if you’re ready to take that leap?
Consciousness Equals Healing
What I think a lot of people don’t know about homeopathy is that when we talk about healing, we’re talking about whole-person healing. This means not just treating symptoms that cause us physical discomfort or pain, but rather we are addressing the root of those symptoms…
The Little Boxes We Build
I have been thinking about this little box. Ultimately, why did I build it? Why have I set any limitations on what I can do, when I’ve vowed to commit myself to building a life that makes me happy? Then I realized my reason for building this box is quite simple…
Grieving Dead Leaves and Finding New Life
But over the years, as I’ve traveled through the peaks and valleys of my holistic healing journey, I’ve uncovered my soul-connection to nature and her seasons. I’ve begun to appreciate the change of season and the wisdom each one has to offer us…
The Anniversary Effect
Old wounds are aching.
February marks a time in my life I’d rather not remember. But every year, whether I actively acknowledge it or not, I find myself in the essence of the past…
The Wide Lens
When we have felt pain or experienced suffering, it’s totally natural to want to eradicate it completely, or numb out, maybe even dissociate and pretend it never happened. But before we decide to turn our backs on this past year, it is important to take a moment to hold space for all that 2020 was on first a personal and then a collective level…
Blessed Solstice : Release & Renew
When I started my journey as a student of homeopathy, the lens through which I viewed the world around me seemingly began to widen. I became increasingly aware of the secret lives behind all things found in nature…
Shadow Messages
I’ve found it to be true that you never really know when you’re ready to start something new. You kind of just have to jump in and do it. For me, I’m not sure “ready” ever really happens…